February 16, 2019


Name PMIHK Phone +852 2784 1880 Email info@pmi.org.hk Category Courses



Managing Stress in Pressurized Projects


Online Registration & Payment


Challenging, Stimulating, Fast Moving… These are some of the words that we commonly use to describe our experience of project management at the beginning of the projects. However, we might use some of those words such as chaotic, stressful, and anxiety-inducing to describe our project experiences while the projects are in the later phases of the project life cycle. Stress in projects dis-empowers project managers and the team members. It creates illness, weakens communication, drains creativity, impairs project teamwork, and saps productivity.

We cannot escape from or avoid the reality of today’s rapidly changing, competitive, hi-tech project environment. The challenge is to restore a sense of power and control in our work lives. The SOLUTION is to equip ourselves with new beliefs, attitudes, and skills to not only survive but also thrive in this workplace reality.

Course Objectives
The workshop identifies empowering strategies squarely which address underlying causes of stress in today’s project environments. It offers prevention and intervention strategies as well as ways to cope with the stress. Relaxation exercise will be introduced in the workshop.
The facilitator will skillfully blend entertaining style and impacting experiential techniques to create a “safe “and “friendly” learning environment.
This workshop adventure focuses on personal performance. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
  • Define their own personal stress triggers
  • Demonstrate awareness of underlying causes of stress
  • Facilitate their own physical, intellectual, and emotional processing of change
  • Apply healthy communication tools to diffuse hostility and tension
  • Break free of self limiting beliefs and behaviors
  • Practice self empowering strategies to:
    • Creatively meet customer demands
    • Improve teamwork
    • Increase productivity
  • Project Managers, Team Leaders moving into team leadership positions
  • Key Team Members, Functional Managers
  • Process and Performance Improvement Team Members and Business Planning Personnel
  • PMPs aiming at gaining PDU
  • Instructor role modeling
  • Group discussion
  • Interactive exercises and role play

Instructor’s Profile – Dr. h.c. Paul Mau, Ex-Vice President, PMIHK
FPMIHK, PMP, CPIT(PD), ACA(Prof.), FAAAP, AAMFT(Pre-Clinical Fellow), APCPA(Registered Clinical Supervisor)

Paul is a seasoned corporate trainer, consultant, and a Family Therapist. Paul has got more than 20 years of PM experiences and taken key positions in HP SAR Limited. He has served PMIHK for about 15 years and delivered PMP Training since 2001. Paul has also provided psychotherapy services more than 12 years. Recently, he is an adjunct faculty and a clinical supervisor of the “Master of Art in Professional Counselling” degree under Olivet Nazarene University and HKICC as well as a HKU part-time lecturer. He has also conducted workshops and seminars including the psychological aspects of the management; interpersonal skills; workplace stress management; PM’s EQ Series; Psychological Management in Organization Change for OCGIO, and so on. Participants of these workshops/seminars came from ICT, consulting, banking & securities, construction, manufacturers, clinicians, university staffs & lecturers, NGOs, PMIHK, HKIB, and so on.